PCAAE runs webinar on the value for businesses in joining associations PCAAE organized a two-hour webinar (10:00 a.m. to 12:00 nn.) held on November 19, 2020 themed, “The Power of A: Rev Up Your Journey in this New Normal with...
PCAAE speaks at AfSAE African Association Summit 2020 On invitation by the African Society of Association Executives (AfSAE), PCAAE, represented by its Founder & CEO, Octavio ‘Bobby’ Peralta, spoke on “ 3Rs Association Essentials amidst the Pandemic”...
PCAAE keynotes 8th UIA As-Pac Roundtable in virtual Seoul On the invitation of the Brussels-based Union of International Associations (UIA), PCAAE Founder & CEO, Octavio ‘Bobby’ Peralta, made the closing keynote themed, “Purposeful Associations” before 130 participants from...
PCAAE’s webinar on virtual events rated highly by attendees PCAAE, with support from U.S.-based 360 Live Media and Canada-based Matchbox Virtual Media which provided the speakers, held a webinar on “How to go Virtual and Create an Engaging...
PCAAE’s webinar on sponsorship highly-rated PCAAE held its third monthly webinar under the “Association Pathways to a Turnaround” series on August 21, 2020. The online event entitled, “How to find and approach Potential Sponsors...
PCAAE attends 2020 ASAE Virtual Annual Meeting & Exposition PCAAE, represented by its Founder & CEO, Octavio ‘Bobby’ Peralta, attended the 2020 ASAE Virtual Annual Meeting and Exposition held for three days on August 10 to 12, 2020....
PCAAE blasts into virtual space successfully with first e-forum The Philippine Council of Associations and Association Executives (PCAAE) in collaboration with its member, the Procurement and Supply Institute of Asia (PASIA), launched successfully the first of its virtual...
PCAAE represented in AIME 2020 On the invitation by the organizers of the Asia Pacific Incentives and Meetings Event (AIME), PCAAE, represented by its chair, Charlie Villasenor, and founder and CEO, Octavio ‘Bobby’ Peralta,...
PCAAE attends CEO & Chair Symposium 2020 Invited by PCAAE friend and pillar, John Peacock, owner and CEO of Associations Forum Pty Ltd (Australia), PCAAE, represented by founder and CEO, Octavio ‘Bobby’ Peralta, attended the “CEO...
PACEOS elects its new set of officers The Philippine Association of Convention / Exhibition Organizers and Suppliers, Inc. (PACEOS) elected its new set of officers. The new board of trustees are as follows: Monette Hamlim of...