PCAAE conducted a webinar on “Building Your Kitchen Cabinets: Developing Your Network” last March 29, 2023 with 21 local and overseas participants.
The featured speaker was Ms. Jackie Price Osafo, Executive Director of the Society of American Archivists, who shared insights on building one’s network.
She dealt with the following guide questions in building one’s network:
- The Why? Three reasons you need a network: As a relationship builder, as a resource, and as a professional development support. Jackie adds that such a relationship should be reciprocal in nature to be effective.
- The Who? Those who should be in your network should include people whom you share the same experiences with or have same job title or those that provide you with a “push” or “pull”.
- The How? In building one’s network, you need to have an “elevator pitch”, an assessment of your current network; and;
- The Where? There are a few places one can build a network: at work, in professional/social events a,nd online.
A kitchen cabinet is an open-front box outfitted with combination of doors, drawers, or shelves. What you place in those compartments determine the kind of network you wish to build on and which must be long-term and of mutual benefit to all.
For more information, please email Sandy Lim at sandy@pcaae.org