PCAAE conducts webinar on volunteering

PCAAE conducted a webinar on “Re-engaging Members as Volunteers in Across the Spectrum” on July 7, 2022, with 21 local and overseas participants.

The featured speaker was Peggy Hoffman, President of Mariner Management, an association management company and consultancy focusing on member/volunteer engagement and member components. Below are some conclusions from the session:

  • Volunteering no doubt strengthens member loyalty and long-term retention as well as a means to achieve the association’s mission.
  • So, is association volunteering still viable? The good news is that volunteering, as we know it, has not changed and in fact, has increased even during the pandemic. It is the model, structure and management of volunteering which has changed.
  • Associations that will adapt to the “next normal” realities and adopt and manage a well-thought out volunteering model will make the most of what great benefit volunteering brings to the organization.

For more information, please email Sandy Lim at sandy@pcaae.org

You can also read the gist of this webinar from this post of Octavio ‘Bobby’ Peralta in the Business Mirror, https://businessmirror.com.ph/2022/07/15/is-association-volunteering-still-viable/

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