On the invitation of the Brussels-based AssociationWorld Foundation, PCAAE, represented by its Founder & CEO, Octavio ‘Bobby’ Peralta, attended its webinar on “Moving from Governance to Good Governance” on July 15, 2021 together with 37 participants from international and European associations and non-profit organizations. The virtual event was also an occasion to launch its “Good Governance for Associations Initiative” campaign in collaboration and alliance with international and European key partners.
The panel discussion centered on what good governance is and its basic principles; why it matters; its challenges and approaches, and the next steps. The panellists included Sarah Verschaeve, partner at law firm, Curia, Mogens Kirkeby, president of the International Sport and Culture Association, Filipe Machado, association expert at public affairs firm, Interel, and Kai Troll, CEO of Best Buddies and volunteer President of AssociationWorld.
AssociationWorld will continue the conversation on good governance all year round through its “Good Governance for Associations Initiative” campaign which is open to all associations to join. For interest, please click here: https://mailchi.mp/associationworld/ggfa