PCAAE partners with U.S.-based Save the Associations

PCAAE has been invited by and has partnered with the U.S.-based ‘Save the Associations’ in a call to action to lead associations forward.

‘Save the Associations’ https://savetheassociations.com/ is a web show and virtual summit hosted by Sarah Sladek, a renowned membership growth strategist and futurist. The show and summits feature interviews with association executives worldwide, sharing their insights and best practices on how to engage members, plan for the future, and remain relevant in a rapidly-changing marketplace.

As a partner, PCAAE gets the following benefits: (1) visibility – PCAAE’s logo, video, articles/blogs and website are added to the ‘Save the Associations’ site and in its event promotions. (2) access to programs – PCAAE members are able to access ‘Save the Associations’ events and (3) exposure – PCAAE’s members and association leaders have the opportunity to be featured in ‘Save the Associations’ shows and events.

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