PCAAE runs member recruitment and retention webinar

PCAAE conducted a webinar on “Top Tips for Recruiting & Retaining Members” on March 24, 2021 which featured as speaker Elisa Joseph Anders, DCMP, Senior Account Director at the U.S.-based Marketing General Inc. (MGI). The virtual session was highly rated by the 27 participants who attended the program.

The webinar covered tips on how to grow membership, understand membership marketing challenges, and opportunities as well as practical ideas to recruit and retain members, using proven strategies and tactics that have worked for hundreds of associations that MGI has worked and consulted with.

The core of the webinar content is MGI’s “Membership Lifecycle” which include the five aspects of awareness, recruitment, engagement, renewal and reinstatement.


For more information, email Sandy Lim at sandylim@adfiap.org

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