PCAAE speaks at association seminar in Taiwan

The Taiwan Convention and Exhibition Association (TCEA) and the “MEET TAIWAN” programme invited PCAAE, represented by its Founder & CEO, Octavio “Bobby” Peralta, to speak at their seminar-workshop on “Transformational Developments and Challenges of Associations in Taiwan” in the afternoon of November 15, 2019 at the newly-opened Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 2 (TaiNEX 2). The event, attended by over 50 participants, was supported by the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE).

There were seven speakers in all, four from Taiwan and three from overseas – two from the U.S. and Mr. Peralta. The two general topics were on internationalization and sustainability and on strategic alliances and differentiation.

On internationalization, Ms. Greta Kotler, ASAE’s chief global development and credential officer, shared, among others, five strategies of “growers” in the quest for global outreach for associations: (1) dedicate commitment and effort (2) research opportunities and challenges (3) include a variety of relevant products and services (4) integrate global and local operations and (5) secure partnerships to open market access.

Four associations in Taiwan presented their own experiences in this regard – Ms. Zi Xian, Zhuang, international affairs team leader of the Taiwan Nurses Association; Ms. Li Juan, Huang vice President of the Taiwan Floriculture Development Association; Mr. Liang Hung, Ho, honorary chairman of the Association of Taiwan Master Tailors; Ms. Wan Jung, Wei, chief executive officer of the International Organization of Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Technicians (OISTAT).

Ms. Dorothy Deng, Esq. of U.S. law firm, Whiteford, Taylor & Preston, LLP, talked about differentiation and strategic partnerships in the context of legal aspects, regulations, and documentations that govern associations in the United States.

Mr. Peralta presented the topic on association sustainability which was published by the Business Mirror on November 8, 2019 and is available in this weblink: https://businessmirror.com.ph/2019/11/08/association-sustainability/

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