PCAAE conducts CPAE course on association management

The Philippine Council of Associations and Association Executives (PCAAE) conducted a Certified Professional Association Executive (CPAE) course on Association Management on February 16, 2017 at the Best Western Antel Hotel in Makati City, Metro Manila, with 35 members in attendance. This seminar is the first for this year’s edition of the 6-module CPAE.

The course focused on the fundamentals of association management which included the importance and types of associations, governance and volunteer management, association vis-a-vis corporate management, membership aspects, attributes of remarkable associations, and why associations fail. It also covered organizational culture, change management and barriers to organizational change. In addition, participants took part in a workshop on business model canvass as a tool in crafting an effective association action plan.

The resource persons of the program were Mr. Octavio ‘Bobby’ Peralta, PCAAE CEO & Founder, and Mr. Enrique ‘Boyet’ Florencio, Knowledge Resource Executive and Sustainability Officer of ADFIAP.

The CPAE is PCAAE’s continuing professional development program for those who manage and work in associations and other membership organizations. Completing the program earns the participant with a CPAE credential which can be attached to the graduate’s name. For details of the CPAE, please email Boyet Florencio at eflorencio@adfiap.org

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