PCAAE conducted its 6th Certified Professional Association Executive Program (CPAE) seminar on “Association Executive Essentials: POSDCORB” on January 28, 2016 at the Philippine International Convention Centre (PICC), with 30 participants successfully earning continuing education credits under the CPAE program. POSDCORB is an acronym widely used in the field of management and public administration that reflects the classic view of administrative management. It stands for planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting.
The seminar was aimed at developing and enhancing the knowledge and skills of association managers in delivering their duties and responsibilities under the POSDCORB framework. Dr. Alberto Pena, Associate Professor of the Illinois State University, was the main resource person who shared his insights and cited examples on the POSDCORB and its beneficial implications in organizational development.
For more details about the POSDCORB seminar and PCAAE’s CPAE, please contact Mr. Enrique Florencio at email: eflorencio@adfiap.org