PCAAE holds AES III themed ‘Compass to Excellence’

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PCAAE held its third annual Association Executives Summit (AES III) with the theme, “Compass to Excellence”, highlighting key areas of operation of associations as topics for presentation, i.e., governance, branding, stakeholders relations, communications, finance, marketing, technology, volunteering and events management. The event, which drew over 120 delegates including 10 from overseas, was held on December 3-4, 2015 at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC).

The event was formally opened by PICC General Manager, Atty. Renato B. Padilla and was followed by a telecast message from John Graham IV, President & CEO of the Washington D.C.-based American Society of Association Executives (ASAE). A CEO panel discussion, five plenaries and four concurrent sessions, altogether featuring 16 speakers and resource persons, covered the various topics of the day-and-a-half programme. The 3rd PCAAE General Council of Members Meeting was held in the second afternoon, completing the two full-packed days of the Summit.

The AES III was also a fitting occasion to present the first PCAAE ‘Ang Susi’ Awards to recognize the outstanding achievements in and contributions to national development of associations and other membership organizations as well as to honor the exemplary work of an outstanding association executive (please see separate story).

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