PCAAE in ASAE AP-GI Conference 2016 Content Advisory Group

ASAE AP-GI ConferencePCAAE, represented by its President & CEO, Octavio B. Peralta, is again in the advisory group that is planning for the Asia-Pacific Great Ideas Conference (AP-GI) 2016 of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE). PCAAE was also part of the planning for the successful inaugural run of the conference last March 22-24, 2015 held in Hong Kong.

The Great Ideas conference offers a relaxed, yet professional, environment where attendees can step back from their day-to-day routine and be exposed to new thinking in association governance and management.
It is also a meeting with colleagues and content leaders to share new ideas, rejuvenate creativity, and explore key concepts that can be implemented back at the office.

The 2016 conference will be held on April 10-12, 2016 again in Hong Kong and is envisioned to move around the Asia-Pacific region starting in 2017.

ASAE is a membership organization of more than 21,000 association executives and industry partners representing 10,000 organizations, based in Washington, DC, USA, with offices in Beijing and Seoul. ASAE’s members manage leading industry associations, individual membership societies, and voluntary organizations across 50 countries around the world. For more information about ASAE visit asaecenter.org

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