PCAAE names Executive Director

photoThe PCAAE Board has named Ms. Carmelita “Emy” Chavez as Executive Director of the organization citing the need to have a focal person to manage its day-to-day activities. Among others, Ms. Chavez will:

(a) work with PCAAE’s partners to craft a memorandum of agreement (b) liaise with those who have signified their interest in joining PCAAE as members and reply to their queries and concerns; (c) coordinate and oversee the planning, organizing and implementation of PCAAE’s programs, the initial one of which is the proposed General Meeting in January 2014; (d) relate with international organizations and sponsors for grants to support the proposed training events; (e) respond to all queries regarding the PCAAE; and (f) support the management needs of the PCAAE Secretariat.

Ms. Chavez will bring to the post her broad experience in executive leadership and association membership. She held senior management positions at the RCBC Savings Bank and the Development Bank of the Philippines in a career that span almost 40 years, within which she has worked with associations, chambers of commerce and industries and the non-profit sector. She may be reached in the mean time at her personal email address at emy.chavez@yahoo.com until such time that the PCAAE email system is activated.

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